Town & Country Credit Union committed to donate $15,000 to Project BEE’s capital campaign for their Broadway Circle homeless shelter and resource hub.
“Project BEE has been positively impacting the Minot area since 1915 by providing shelter, resources and more to those in need. We’re excited to be able to use our funds to help them expand their impact and help more people through the Broadway Circle project,” said Kalli Schell, Interim President/CEO.
Partially funded by National Disaster Resilience Community Development Block Grant funds through the City of Minot, the Broadway Circle project will include a six-unit, pet-friendly family shelter, a 17-unit low to moderate income housing unit, and space for the Lord’s Cupboard Food Pantry and Welcome Table Soup Kitchen, as well as commercial space. Project BEE is planning to complete the construction of the Broadway Circle building in 2023.